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Cmo mueren las democracias / How Democracies Die (Spanish Edition)

Cmo mueren las democracias / How Democracies Die (Spanish Edition)

ISBN: 9786075692470
  • Author: Levitsky, Ziblatt
  • Condition: VeryGood
Regular price $17.73 USD
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Bestseller del New York Times.

C�mo la democracia se ve trastornada por los populismos y qu� v�as hay para salvarla.

Un an�lisis alarmante que es tambi�n una gu�a para reparar una democracia amenazada por el populismo.

La aparici�n de distintos ejemplos de populismo en diferentes partes del mundo ha hecho salir a la luz una pregunta que nadie se planteaba unos a�os atr�s: �est�n nuestras democracias en peligro? Los profesores Steven Levitsky y Daniel Ziblatt, de la Universidad de Harvard, han invertido dos d�cadas en el estudio de la ca�da de varias democracias en Europa y Latinoam�rica, y creen que la respuesta a esa pregunta es que s�.

Con un recorrido que abarca desde la dictadura de Pinochet en Chile hasta el discreto y paulatino desgaste del sistema constitucional turco por parte de Erdogan, los autores muestran c�mo han desaparecido diversas democracias y qu� podemos hacer para salvar la nuestra. Porque la democracia ya no termina con un bang (un golpe militar o una revoluci�n), sino con un leve quejido: el lento y progresivo debilitamiento de las instituciones esenciales, como son el sistema jur�dico o la prensa, y la erosi�n global de las normas pol�ticas tradicionales. La buena noticia es que hay opciones de salida en el camino hacia el autoritarismo y los populismos de diversa �ndole.


NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER "Comprehensive, enlightening, and terrifyingly timely."--The New York Times Book Review (Editors' Choice)


Donald Trump's presidency has raised a question that many of us never thought we'd be asking: Is our democracy in danger? Harvard professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt have spent more than twenty years studying the breakdown of democracies in Europe and Latin America, and they believe the answer is yes. Democracy no longer ends with a bang--in a revolution or military coup--but with a whimper: the slow, steady weakening of critical institutions, such as the judiciary and the press, and the gradual erosion of long-standing political norms. The good news is that there are several exit ramps on the road to authoritarianism. The bad news is that, by electing Trump, we have already passed the first one.

Drawing on decades of research and a wide range of historical and global examples, from 1930s Europe to contemporary Hungary, Turkey, and Venezuela, to the American South during Jim Crow, Levitsky and Ziblatt show how democracies die--and how ours can be saved.

Praise for How Democracies Die

"What we desperately need is a sober, dispassionate look at the current state of affairs. Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, two of the most respected scholars in the field of democracy studies, offer just that."--The Washington Post

"Where Levitsky and Ziblatt make their mark is in weaving together political science and historical analysis of both domestic and international democratic crises; in doing so, they expand the conversation beyond Trump and before him, to other countries and to the deep structure of American democracy and politics."--Ezra Klein, Vox

"If you only read one book for the rest of the year, read How Democracies Die. . . .This is not a book for just Democrats or Republicans. It is a book for all Americans. It is nonpartisan. It is fact based. It is deeply rooted in history. . . . The best commentary on our politics, no contest."--Michael Morrell, former Acting Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (via Twitter)

"A smart and deeply informed book about the ways in which democracy is being undermined in dozens of countries around the world, and in ways that are perfectly legal."--Fareed Zakaria, CNN

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