Cool Kids Speak English - Book 1: Enjoyable activity sheets, word searches & colouring pages for children learning English as a foreign language
Cool Kids Speak English - Book 1: Enjoyable activity sheets, word searches & colouring pages for children learning English as a foreign language
- Author: Leyland
- Condition: New
Have fun learning English with the activities, colouring pages and word searches in this great book. Ideal for 7 - 11 year olds.The topics in this book include greetings & introductions, numbers, colours, pets, clothes, and the weather. Each topic begins with a page full of images and the English words for the topic. Progression throughout each of the topics has been carefully planned as the activities practise only a few of the new words at any one time, and gradually introduce simple sentence structures. At the back of the book you will find: English - French word lists, English - German word lists, English - Italian word lists, English - Spanish word lists and the answers. ---Description in French: Apprendre l'anglais avec ce cahier divertissant, plein d'activit�s, mots m�l�s et pages de coloriage. Id�al pour les enfants de 7 � 11ans. Vous retrouverez des listes de vocabulaire anglais - fran�ais et tous les corrig�s des exercices en fin d'ouvrage. ---Description in German: Viel Spa� beim Englisch lernen mit den Aktivit�ten, Ausmalseiten und Wortspielen in diesem tollen Buch. Ideal f�r 7 - 11 j�hrigeKinder. Das Buch enth�lt im Schlussteil Vokabelliste Englisch - Deutsch und die R�tselaufl�sungen. --- Description in Italian: Divertiti ad imparare l'inglese con le attivit�, le pagine da colorare e i giochi trova parole di questo fantastico libro. Ideale per bambini dai 7 agli 11 anni. Sul retro del libro ci sono elenchi di parole in inglese e in italiano e anche una sezione dedicata alle risposte. ---Description in Spanish: Divi�rtete aprendiendo ingl�s con actividades, colorear p�ginas y sopas de letras. Ideal para edades de 7 - 11 a�os. En la parte de atr�s del libro encontrar�s listas de palabras en ingl�s - espa�ol y tambi�n la secci�n de repuestas.